서울 은평 뉴타운 1지구 조경설계

A Landscape Design Proposal for Eunpyeong New Town, Seoul

  • Kim Soon-Boon (Daewoo Engineering and Construction Corporation, Ltd) ;
  • Chin Yang-Gyo (Chin And Associates, Landscape Planning and Design Corporation)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


The Seoul Housing Corporation pronounced an alternative design competition and a bidding for Eunpyeong New Town in December of 2004. At first many construction companies were interested in the first New Town Project. But at last a few companies had proposed the alternative design and construction cost. This project needed a conjunction of design ideas and technology know-hows. And the client wanted the brand power of construction company. Ultimately the Corporation hoped that the first New Town Project will end up with high quality successfully. This competition had started with the original construction drawings. Then it needed some alternative ideas and the lowest cost. There were two drawings of non changeable part and changeable part. Non changeable parts are structure like housing unit plan, underground parking lots. Changeable parts are outdoor layout, interior design and building facade. So we tried all ideas of landscape technology and design principles within limited guidelines. The author applied new technology like tilted rooftop greening and sustained container greening on high-rise apartment house. This green technology will be the first trial in Seoul and in the world as well. Daewoo Corporation have accumulated greening technology through the researches by national funding since 2002. Through this New Town Project the green technology will go forward step by step.



  1. SH공사(2004) 은평뉴타운 디자인 가이드라인
  2. 정양희(2003) 은평뉴타운 사례발표
  3. 신화컬설팅(2004) 은평뉴타운 1구역 조경설계기준
  4. SH공사(2005) 은평 뉴타운 1지구 아파트 건설공사 대안입찰 안내서
  5. http://www.seoul.go.kr