Structure and Management Plan of the Spontaneous Herbaceous Communities in Midongsan Arboretum, Chungcheongbuk-do

충청북도 미동산수목원의 자생 초본군락 구조 및 관리방안

  • You Ju-Han (Chungcheongbuk-do Research Center for Wild Plants) ;
  • Jung Sung-Gwan (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the ecological characteristics of herbaceous communities by systematic and scientific analysis of their structure and diversity in the Midongsan Arboretum and to offer raw data for a long-tenn monitoring study. The importance value and diversity index of species appearing in twenty plots from July to September, 2004 were analyzed and a management plan for these communities is presented. Vascular plants were represented by 60 taxa of 23 families, 51 genera, 50 species and 10 varieties. Based on the results of importance value analysis, the most dominant species was Artemisia princeps var. orientalis, followed by Setaria viridis and Erigeron canadensis. The diversity index analysis showed that plot no. 5 had the highest H' and H'_{max}$(2.0135 and 2.6391). It's species composition was comparatively more diverse and it's structure more stable than other plots. Artemisia montana and Dactylis glomerata showed the highest correlation between species. Because herbaceous communities are important biological habitats and provide important function in environmental conservation, it is important to properly preserve these communities. At the same time, in order to preserve genetic resources and improve spatial function, it may be necessary to consider removing herbaceous communities in certain areas. In the future, the relations between physicochemical soil properties and herbaceous communities should be examined and community movement should be studied.



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