대학생의 이성교제에 관한 사이버 상담 사례 연구

A Case Study on Cyber Counseling for University Students' Date

  • Kim Jin-Hee (Department of Home Economics Education, Kyungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This study was designed to analyze the cyber counseling cases on the university students' date in order to identify the problems they encounter in dating and seek for a direction for education and consulting program to help them solve the problems. A total of 253 cases in cyber counseling about date were analyzed. The findings demonstrated that the university students were short of interpersonal relationship still needed for expressing Intimacy and maintaining the relationship, and poorly coping with the negative emotions such as conflict, anxiety, and boredom. Thus, a variety of human relations training programs needs to be established in the universities to help the students stay in good terms with the counterpart. Plus, cyber counseling and e-mail counseling needs to be activated so as to allow the university students to easily access when they come to face a problem in dating.



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