A Study on the Improving Management Method for the Small Projects applying Senior Construction Engineer

고령 건설기술자를 활용한 소규모공사의 공사관리방법 개선방안

  • Published : 2005.06.01


The building below standard scales to be built only by constructive report to authorities. Construction law 8 illustrates that supervision should be deployed in all the construction sites at the building which is found to have more than 3 floors and also to have more than loom of total squares in especially outside area of city plan zone. Such a small construction is have a important and the most basic meaning. Many problems were found to occur in all the constructive places which were out of the limit of this law. The construction sites were found to be controlled by public official's visiting without supervisors and designers of architecture. Technique of construction in architecture was found to be not different from that of 1980. The security of employees in construction on sites has a serious problem. Because of choosing ail the materials of the building without a reasonable point. All the building were found to have a law material about inside and outside aspects. The purpose of this study are to examine existing law about a small project and than to analyze the situation of constructive control through questionnaires and interviews with all the supervisors. Based on the data base of engineers who had a great experience in construction sites, The purpose of this study is also to suggest and advise the method of controlling all the items in architecture through on and off line.



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