AAA System for PLMN-WLAN Internetworking

  • Janevski Toni (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Sv. Kiril i Metodji)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Integration of mobile networks and Internet has started with 2.5 generation of mobile cellular networks. Internet traffic is today dominant traffic type worldwide. The hanger for higher data rates needed for data traffic and new IP based services is essential in the development of future wireless networks. In such situation, even 3G with up to 2 Mbit/s has not provided data rates that are used by Internet users with fixed broadband dial-up or through wired local area networks. The solution to provide higher bit rates in wireless access network has been found in wireless LAN although initially it has been developed to extend wired LAN into wireless domain. In this paper, we propose and describe a solution created for interoperability between mobile cellular network and WLAN. The integration between two networks, cellular and WLAN, is performed on the authentication, authorization, and accounting, i.e., AAA side. For that purpose we developed WLAN access controller and WLAN AAA gateway, which provide gateway-type access control as well as charging and billing functionalities for the WLAN service. In the development process of these elements, we have considered current development stadium of all needed network entities and protocols. The provided solution provides cost-effective and easy-to-deploy PLMN-WLAN Internetworking scenario.



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