ATM망의 체증을 해결하기 위한 최적 제어기 설계

Design of Optimal Controller for the Congestion in ATM Networks

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This paper presents an reduced-order near-optimal controller for the congestion control of Available Bit Rate (ABR) service in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. We introduce the model, of a class of ABR traffic, that can be controlled using a Explicit Rate feedback for congestion control in ATM networks. Since there are great computational complexities in the class of optimal control problem for the ABR model, the near-optimal controller via reduced-order technique is applied to this model. It is implemented by the help of weakly coupling and singular perturbation theory, and we use bilinear transformation because of its computational convenience. Since the bilinear transformation can convert discrete Riccati equation into continuous Riccati equation, the design problems of optimal congestion control can be reduced. Using weakly coupling and singular perturbation theory, the computation time of Riccati equations can be saved, moreover the real-time congestion control for ATM networks can be possible.



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