Analysis of Elementary School Children's Concepts in Evolution Based on Science History

과학사적 진화개념 발달 단계에 기초한 초등학생들의 진화 개념 분석

  • Published : 2005.05.01


Students' alternative concepts of evolution are similar to misconcepts and disputes which scientists had in science history. The aims of this study are to analyze the elementary children's concept in evolution based on science history. Lee (2004)'s two tests were applied to 6th grade to investigate the children's evolution concepts and genetic concepts related to the historical development of the evolution concepts. The test results were analyzed in accordance with 4 stages of science history based on Lee (2004)'s method. These stages are divided to stage 1 (Before Lamarck), stage 2 (Lamarck), stage 3 (Darwin), stage 4 (After Darwin). The major results are as follows. Most of elementary school children are fixed to the stage 2. They usually do not show the consistency of evolution concepts in the three dimensional aspects such as mechanism, time, and subjects. Many children do not have concrete meaning of gene, inheritance, sexual reproduction, mutation and could not connect these concetps and process of evolution. Also, they believe the inheritance of acquired traits and spontaneous generation. Therefore it is confirmed that they still have similar misconcepts and disputes which scientists had in transition time between stage 2 and 3 and most of children already have strong Lamarckian thought acquired from daily life experience before learning about natural selection and evolution.
