Strength Characteristics of Cement-Mixed Soil

시멘트 혼합토의 강도 특성

  • Published : 2005.05.01


This study was conducted by the tests of materials engineering and soil mechanics to see the strength characteristics of the ‘Cement-Mixed Soil'. To sum up my experiments, I would like to present the results which are the theoretical base and fundamental data to establish the standard design including the design of mixing proportions of the soil as a construction material. In conclusion, in this study the optimum cement mixing ratio is $9\%$ and in this ratio the optimum moisture content of compaction work is $19.3\%$ from the analysis of the strength characteristics, as well as in consideration of the economic profits and nature familiar facts.



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Cited by

  1. Analysis of Strength Characteristic for Bottom Ash Mixtures as Mixing Ratio and Curing Methods vol.55, pp.3, 2013,