도축우의 장내용물에서 Listeria속균의 분포도 조사

Prevalence of Listeria spp in intestinal contents of slaughtered cattle

  • 임현숙 (대구광역시 보건환경연구원) ;
  • 서동균 (대구광역시 보건환경연구원)
  • Lim Hyun-Sook (Daegu metropolitan Health & Environment Research Institute) ;
  • Suh Dong-Kyun (Daegu metropolitan Health & Environment Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


We surveyed the distribution of Listeria spp in intestinal contents of slaughtered cattle from Daegu between March and October 2003. Fourteen Listeria spp were isolated from a total of 100 samples. Two samples contained only L innocua and other six samples contained both L monocytogenes and L innocua. Of the 99 samples positive to esculin reaction in Fraser broth, Listeria spp were isolated only from $8\%$ of the samples. Three selective plating medium were examined for detection of Listeria species including Enhanced hemolysis agar, Oxford agar and Palcam agar, It was found that Enhanced hemolysis agar was more effective than Oxford agar and Palcam agar, and that L monocytogenes needed 48 hour growth to give positive reaction.



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