방목초지에서 가축 배설분과 분충류의 분포에 관한 연구

Studies on Distribution of Dung Beetles and Livestock Dung in Grazing Pasture

  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The dung beetle species living in grazing pasture in Korea and their life cycle such as characteristics of habitation and hibernation were investigated for five year. Eleven species belonging to five genera of dung beetles were found in the grazing pasture. They started to appear around the middle of April when grazing begins on pasture. Dung booties kept on laying eggs until the beginning of August and maintained their activity until the end of October. They passed the winter as a form of an imago twenty five to thirty centimeters under the ground. Loamy soil and sandy soil containing plenty of humus were prefered as a hibemaculum by them. Five genera of dung beetles. Aprodius spp, Onthophagus spp., Liatongus spp., Copris spp., Scarabaeus spp. were found and observed in s study. Three species of them like Scarabaeus affinis had more an twenty eight millimeter long body, and the body length of five species like Copris tripartitus were between ten and twenty millimeters. Three species of them like Apodius sublimbatus were had the body length of less than ten millimeters. The results of indoor experiments to study propagation power of dung beetle showed that the optimum temperature for propagation of Copris ochus and Copris tripartitus were between twenty and thirty degrees and the lowest temperature for living of dung beetle was eighteen degrees while e highest temperature being thirty five degrees. A light did not effect the propagation power of dung beetles.



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