Flora of vascular plants in Irwolsan of Gyeongbuk

일월산(경북)의 관속식물상

  • Jeong Hyung-Jin (School of Bioresource Science, Andong National University) ;
  • Nam Gi-Hum (School of Bioresource Science, Andong National University) ;
  • Park Jae-Ho (School of Bioresource Science, Andong National University) ;
  • Chung Gyu-Young (School of Bioresource Science, Andong National University)
  • 정형진 (안동대학교 생명자원과학부) ;
  • 남기흠 (안동대학교 생명자원과학부) ;
  • 박재호 (안동대학교 생명자원과학부) ;
  • 정규영 (안동대학교 생명자원과학부)
  • Published : 2005.02.01


This study was carried out to clarify the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness in Irwolsan of Gyeongbuk $(1218.5m,\;36^{\circ}\;45'\;00'\~36^{\circ}\;50'\;10'\;N,129^{\circ}\;02'\;50'\~129^{\circ}\;09'\;00'E)$. The vascular plants collected 16 times (from May, 2002, to May, 2003) were consisted of total 740 taxa; 105 families, 381 genera, 618 species, 6 subspecies, 104 varieties and 12 forms. Among them, edible, medicinal, industrial, ornamental and unknown of usefulness plants were 315 taxa, 428 taxa, 100 taxa, 84 taxa, 201 taxa, respectively. Korean endemic plants of this area were 22 taxa, and Law-protected plants by Ministry of Environment were 6 taxa. The naturalized plants were 27 taxa, therefore naturalized ratio was $3.6\%$, and Urban index $9.7\%$.

본 연구는 경북 영양군 일월산(해발 1218.5m, 북위 $36^{\circ}\;45'\;00'\~36^{\circ}\;50'\;10'$, 동경 $129^{\circ}\;02'\;50'\~129^{\circ}\;09'\;00'$)의 관속식물 분포를 파악하기 위하여 수행되었다. 2002년 5월부터 2003년 5월까지 16회에 걸쳐 채집된 관속식물은 총 105과 381속 618종 6아종 104변종 12품종의 총 740종류로 정리되었으며, 이들을 유용성에 따라 구분하면 식용 315종류, 약용 428종류, 공업용 100종류, 관상용 84종류, 용도가 밝혀지지 않은 식물 201종류이었다. 특기할만한 식물로는 한국특산식 물이 22종류, 환경 부지정 법적보호종이 6종류, 귀화식물이 27종류로서 귀화율은 $3.6\%$, 도시화지수는 $9.7\%$로 나타났다.



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