우주발사 시스템 개발을 위한 통합 기술관리 시스템 소개

Introduction of Program Life-Cycle Management System for Space Launch System Development

  • 발행 : 2004.10.28


A web-based program life-cycle management(PLM) system is introduced to implement the system engineering processes and to provide the development teaceability online. This information system aims for the realization of essential system engineering management techniques currently applied to the space launch system development program including management of configuration and data based on the work breakdown structure(WBS), WBS, bill of materials and properties. The system enhances communication and gives access to the development data with relevant information such as data-to-data relation and approval status/history through the web, and preserve all of the development data throughout the program life-cycle. Further improvement of the system is planned to implement the program managrment pricesses and to provide integrated information useful for the programmatic decision making.
