현대전쟁에 대한 이해-최근 미국이 주도한 전쟁을 중심으로

Understanding Modern Warfare-A focus on the most recent wars led by the United States

  • 조정 (육군사관학교 교무처.대전대학교 군사연구원)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.15


A look back at the history of war reveals that leaders/nations which were able to recognize beforehand the change in weaponary or the concept of implementing war achieved victory in war(battle) while those that were not able to do so lost. Along with the development of civilization, so too did the characteristics of war : from the first wave of war (ancient, Napoleon's war)$\rightarrow$ the second wave of war (The first and second World War) $\rightarrow$ to the third wave of war (The Gulf War, and the War in Iraq). Especially notable was the American led victory earned in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars which applied the Rapid Decisive Operations(RDO) concept according to the Effects Based Operations(EBO) following the Gulf War and 9.11. This is the time when methods of warfare is changing through development in military science technology and military innovation and when the change of the defense paradigm including those of the Korea - U.S. alliance is required. We should therefore prepare for the future by delving into the analysis of American Modern warfare and learn from it.
