글루타치온 생산효소( $\gamma$-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase)와 그 변이효소의 구조분석 및 반응 Kinetics 연구

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Two mutant enzymes of $\gamma$-glutamylcysteine synthetase ($\gamma$-GCS) which catalyzed the synthesis of $\gamma$-glutamylcysteine from L-glutamic acid and L-cysteine in the presence of ATP, were prepared bypoint mutation of $\gamma$-GCS gene with site-directed mutagensis in E. coli. Conformational structuresand catalytic reaction kinetics of mutant enzymes were compared with wild type $\gamma$-GCS afterpurification. The S495F mutant enzyme (serine at 495 residue was substituted with phenylalanine),which had no catalytic activity for $\gamma$-glutamylcysteine synthesis, rarely folded even in neutral pH.However, the mutant A494V (alanine of 494 residue was replaced by valnine) which showed 50 %increase of activity, had a high folding structure. The folding structure of A494V also more stable athigh temperature and extreme pH compared to wild type and S495F. Reaction kinetics of wild typeand A494V were also investigated, Km value of A494V was smaller than that of wild type, while itshowed a little difference at Vmax values. This result evolved that alanine at 494 may be involved inbinding site of substrate rather than catalytic site. In addition, change of catalytic activity by onepoint mutation was highly correlated with the folding structure of enzyme.
