개인의 성격과 지능이 범죄에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Comparative Study on the Individual Personality and Intelligence for Criminal

  • 임상곤 (중부대학교 공안경호학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.28


Approximately equivalent to character disorder or character neuroses or behavioral reaction. For a discussion of the term as used currently, in the 1968 revision of psychiatric nomenclature(DSM-II). In DSM-I(1952 nomenclature), this term referred to those cases in which the personality, in its struggle for adjustment to internal and external stresses, utilized primarily a pattern of action or behavior rather than symptoms in the mental, somatic or emotional spheres. There is minimal subjective anxiety and little or no sense of distress. As thus defined, there are three main groups of personality disorder, personality pattern disturbance, personality trait disturbance and sociopathic, personality disturbance. Morton Prince asks whether a subconscious process can perform the same function as are ordinarily performed by conscious intelligence that is to say memory, perception, reasoning, imagination, volition, affectivity, etc? He cites clinical material at great length, concluding that the quality of the functions performed they frequently exhibit, that which is characteristic of intelligence.
