Korean Security Journal (시큐리티연구)
- Issue 8
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- Pages.281-308
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- 2004
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- 2671-4299(pISSN)
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- 2714-0644(eISSN)
Study about development of education & training program for Private Security guard in Korea
한국 민간경비원 교육훈련 프로그램 개선방안에 관한 연구
With regard to problems related to qualification of Private Security, this study is qualitatively to develop education & training program from the viewpoint of education for the purpose of checking professionalism of Security guard. Offering the solutions for improvement by analyzing problems of articles related to training for Private Security guard prescribed in existing 'Law of Guarding', I made studies of development of practical affairs-centered education & training program for Private Security guard on the basis of Private Security guard' duties. Education & training program for Private Security guard must be made up of practical affairs-centered one related to concrete duties. Also because it needs to be made on the basis of a model planned for the program with combined method, this study gave example of model and contests of education & training program based on duties of Facilities Security. Main duties of cPrivate Security guard can be divided into four duties; duties on their own posts, patrolling, control of going in and out, dealing with accidents and so on. Private Security guard are given main duties by each post, and after adjusting conditions according to personnel organization, they perform their own duties. As education & training program based on Private Security guard' duties, common education & training program for the new-appointed, practical affairs-centered education & training program, education & training program for superintendents, service education & training program and so on are provided.