Asian Oncology Nursing (종양간호연구)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.143-153
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- 2004
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- 2287-2434(pISSN)
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- 2287-447X(eISSN)
Experiences of Spousal Bereavement in Middle Aged Men
중년남성의 배우자 사별경험
- Park, Kyung-Bok (The Graduate School Hanyang University) ;
- Kim, Boon-Han (Hanyang University)
- Published : 2004.08.31
Death of spouse is the most heartbreaking stressful and inevitable tragic life event. In middle aged men who belong to the social middle class and accomplished their occupational success, experiences of spousal bereavement are great shock. The aim of this study was to find out how they overcome their mental and physical pain and to obtain the basic materials to develop suitable nursing care programs for them. The methodological approach of this study is Giorgi's phenomenological analysis meaning unit. This method also makes theme focal meaning, situated structural description and create general structural description grasped by participator's experience through situated structure description. This study performed from November 2002 to May 2004, and participators were four men. Data collected through in-depth personal interviews. which had been tapped and analysed the Giorgi's method. Finally, the five focal meaning below have been abstracted. Theme 1. Physical symptom loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia. outbreak of illness, weight loss. Theme 2. life of spiritless lack of desire, sense of emptiness, unstableness, prosaic life. wandering. indifference of appearances, avoidance of meeting people. Theme 3. life of retrospction reflection for his wife, yearning, grief, muttering to himself, never-to-be forgotten wife, leading a lonely life. Theme 4. negative emotion reproaching, feeling hurt, marriage of daughter, feeling heavy, getting angry, sexual desire, awareness of his sinfulness. loneliness Theme 5. social support and adjustment getting his wife off his mind, curring favor with children, support and consolation by his daughter-in-law, appreciation for hospice nurse, considering remarriage, taking care of himself, good relation with his children. The result of this study showed that middle aged men bereaved of their wife by cancer need other's concern. And we have to study further to understand their experience. Until now hospice nursing is concentrated on cancer patients But from now we have to provide their families suitable nursing care programs to adjust themselves to social life before and after death of patients.