Ti-6Al-4V합금의 열간 후방압출에 대한 성형 안정성 평가모델의 고찰

Investigation of Forming Stabilities Criteria in Hot Backward Extrusion of Ti-6Al-4V

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The metal forming behavior of Ti-6Al-4V tube during hot backward extrusion was investigated with various forming stabilities or instabilities criteria. that is, Ziegler's instability criterion, dynamic materials model(DMM) stability criteria and Rao's instability criterion. These approaches also were coupled to the internal variables generated from FE simulation. In order to validate the reliabilities of three criteria, hot backward extrusions for Ti-6Al-4V tube making were carried out with different backward extrusion designs. The useful model for predicting the forming defects was suggested through the comparison between experimental observations and simulation results.



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