20대 여성의 얼굴유형 분류 및 형태적 특성 연구

A Study on Women's Face Types Classification and Shape Differences

  • Song, Mi-Young (Dept. of Fashion Design & Merchandising, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Park, Ok-Lyun (Dept. of Fashion Design & Merchandising, Kyungsung University)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.28


The purpose of this study was to classify women's face types and to analyze the measurement of face types. For study, 180 adult women(aged between 20 and 29) in Pusan and Ulsan area was sampled to be measured for facial types. Data were analyzed by Frequencies, Means, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, Distinction analysis. The major results were as followed. Women's face types were classified by 6 types and there were round shape(29.4%), oblong shape(18.9%), inverted triangle shape(16.1%), square shape(13.9%), egg shape(11.7%), diamond shape(10.0%) in the subject. Phyiognomic facial height was 182.38mm, the upper face length was 59.82mm, the middle face length 60.82mm, the lower face length 61.76mm, and the index of face length to face breadth was 1.35. The face width was 134.90mm, interocular distance 34.75mm, the nose width 33.93mm, and mouth width was 43.87mm. And also, differences from those measurements like forehead breadth, face length/bizygion breadth, forehead slopper, bigonion breadth, bignathion breadth, bignathion slopper.



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