Ethylene Production and Accumulation in Leaf Sheath and Its Relation to Tillering Suppression of Deep-Irrigated Rice Plants

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The deep irrigation of rice plants brings about some beneficial effects such as reduced tiller production which results in the formation of bigger panicles, prevention of chilling injury, reduced weed growth, etc. The present study was carried out to examine the involvement of ethylene in the suppression of tiller production due to deep water irrigation in rice (cv. Dongjinbyeo). The ethylene production was induced in leaf sheath within 24 hours after the deep water irrigation and has increased even until 30 days after the treatment, recording 4.5-fold increase as compared to the shallow-irrigated rice plants. In the deep water irrigated rice plants, ethylene was accumulated to a high concentration in the air space of submerged leaf sheath as the irrigated water deterred the diffusion of ethylene out of the leaf sheath and ethylene biosynthesis was accelerated by the deep irrigation as well. The ethylene concentration recorded 35-fold increase in the deep-irrigated rice plants for 35 days. The tiller production was reduced significantly by the deep irrigation with water, the tiller bud, especially tertiary tiller bud differentiation being suppressed by the deepwater irrigation treatment, whereas the rice plants deep-irrigated with solutions containing $10^{-5}$ M or $10^{-6}$ M silver thiosulfate (STS), an action inhibitor of ethylene, showed the same or even higher production of tillers than those irrigated shallowly with water. This implies that the ethylene is closely linked with the suppression of tiller production due to deep water irrigation. In conclusion, ethylene, which was induced by hypoxic stress and accumulated in the leaf sheath due to submergence, played a key role in suppressing the tiller production of the deepwater irrigated rice.



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