Study of the Real in the Post-Lacanian Theory

후기 라깡이론에서 실재에 관한 연구

  • 박수진 (홍익대학교 대학원 미술학과)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


This study aims at the observation of the Real in the Post-Lacanian theory. It is focused on two questions as ideology and fantasy. On this basis Slavoj $\v{Z}i\v{z}ek$ has rearticulated the theory of ideology by reexamining Althusser's version of it critically. The ideology is the logic of fantasy based on the foreclosure. And the ethical act of identifying with the symptom is absolutely called for in order to radically rearticulate it. The really key element in the concept is now found to be Lacanian object a, the symptom as jouissance. In additional, the two part of the study, far from belonging to two different domains, that of political analysis and artistic analysis, relate to each other like the two surfaces of a Moebius band. Finally, the role of the Lacanian real is radically ambiguous: true, it erupts in, the form of a traumatic return, derailing the balance of the Order, but it serves at the same time as a support of this very balance. The real functions here not as something that resists symbolization, as a meaningless leftover that can not be integrated into the symbolic universe, but on the contrary, as its last support.
