본 연구는 한말에서 일제강점기에 이르는 시기를 살았던 류형업이 38년 동안 쓴 생활일기인 $\ulcorner$기어$\lrcorner$를 이용하여 양반소지주의 일생에 걸친 활동공간(active space)을 분석하였다. 일기내용 중에서 외출기록을 추출하여 연령${\cdot}$외출 목적 및 목적지${\cdot}$기간 별로 정리하고. 이를 분석하여 생애주기(life-cycle)에 따른 공간 활동의 복원을 시도하였다. 그 결과, 류형업의 공간 활동은 나이가 많아질수록 꾸준히 증가하고, 활동공간 역시 계속해서 확대되었다. 청년기의 활동공간은 좁았고 특정한 장소에 편중되었으나, 장년기에 점차 확장되어 중년기에 가장 광역적인 공간 활동이 이루어졌다. 외출의 목적도 나이가 들수록 다양해짐을 확인할 수 있었는데. 이것은 집안과 지역사회 내에서의 역할 변화, 시대상황의 변천 등에 의해 비롯되었다. 한편 당일 외출과 숙박을 포함한 외출의 지역 범위를 통해 당시의 일일생활권을 짐작해 볼 수 있었다.
This paper uses the diary entitled Kieo, which was kept by Ryu Hyeong-eop for 38 years, to analyze the active space of small-scale Yangban landlords. Ryu lived during the period spanning from the end of the Taehan Empire through the colonial era. The researcher classified the contents of Kieo into different sections which were divided according to different stages of the writer's life, his objectives, destinations, and periods, and based on the writer's life-cycle, strived to recreate his spatial activities. As a result, researcher was able to ascertain that Ryu's spatial activities gradually increased, and that his active space also continuously expanded. Ryu's active space during his youth was narrow and centered around certain specific places. However, this active space gradually increased as time went by. It was during the middle stages of his life that the volume of his spatial activities was the heaviest. In addition, the objectives of his outings also became more diversified over time. This change was originated in the larger changes in his roles within the family and community, as well as by the changes in the periodic situation. Moreover, the regional sphere of Ryu's outings, including his day and over nights trips, allowed the researcher to form a better understanding of the daily living area of the Yangban.