학교 급식시설의 식당계획 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 대구광역시 초등학교 사례 조사를 통해

A Study on Improvement of the Cafeteria Planning in Educational Facility Case study on Elementary School in Daegu City

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The purpose of the study is to propose architectural design standards of the cafeteria planning in educational facilities. In the spatial organization planning, the preferred location of the cafeteria is on the first floor and the types of the floor plan are followed by the forms and space structure of the school building. The area of the cafeteria is related to the size of seating area per person. The direction must sublate northern faced. In interior moving lines for service, the arrange of dining tables has to reflect distance of dining tables or location of pillars. The dining space should better have more than two entrances in terms of occupancy type and convenience. Thus the serving line has to be planed thoughtfully by various factors to avoid confusion caused in serving process. In multipurpose use of the cafeteria, it is feasible when hygiene and management is considered.



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