The main objective of this study is to provide baseline data and materials to be used for developing an manners education program. Such an educational program will help enhance the manners of university students. A stratified random sampling method was applied to collect data. Originally, 800 questionnaires were distributed to university students during the period between May 10 and May 31, 2m, and of the completed questionnaires, 7n3 were used for data analysis. 'The following findings were obtained:1. University students 'level of everyday manners was shown to be moderate, and the mean score was 6.76 (67.61/100 Points). 2. The level of demands for everyday manners education was shown to be high and the mean score was 8.05 (67.61/100 Points). 3. The variable that had the greatest impact on the level of everyday manners was the subjective knowledge about everyday manners, whereas gender affected the demand for education the most strongly.