An Analysis of the Financial Performance in the types of Household financial Strategy

가계 재무전략 유형별 재무성과 분석

  • Park Jin Yeong (Dept. of Human Ecology, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Moon Sook Jae (Dept. of Consumer Science and Human Development, Ewha Womans University)
  • 박진영 (경성대학교 생활경영학과) ;
  • 문숙재 (이화여자대학교 소비자인간발달학과)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


The purpose of this study was to classify the household financial strategies and investigate major determinants of the household financial strategies and financial performance. The data of 3,994 households is from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Stud?. The major findings were as follows. (1) The classified household financial strategies types were Residual ($44.6\%$), Informal Institutional ($13.3\%$), Financial Assets ($16.7\%$), Real Estate ($13.4\%$), and Diversified Portfolio ($12.0\%$). (2) The criteria of classification of the household financial strategies were relative, not absolute. (3) The household financial strategy types changed largely during a short period(1999-2000). (4) In all households, the variables that affected changes in household financial strategies were education, occupation, number of children, residential location and home ownership. (5) Households that employed a diversified portfolio strategy had the greatest financial performance (2,316,000 won net gain). (6) In all households, the variables that had the greatest influence on financial performance were the number of children, assets and debts. 1'he financial performance was significantly different according to changes in the household financial strategy.



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