The Evaluation of White Water Sedimentation Efficiency in Settling Tank by the Addition of Flocculents

응집제 첨가에 의한 침전조의 백수침전 효율 평가

  • Published : 2004.12.01


Because paper industry spends lots amount of water, the recycling of water is very important in economical as well as environmental aspects. In order to optimize the process water recycling system, the efficiency of unit operation for water circulation, such as save-all system, CDS and settling tank, plays an important role in. In this study, the sedimentation efficiency of process water was evaluated by SS measurement with the different amounts of flocculent addition. 3 different kinds of process water were collected from fine paper mill, and applied in laboratory sedimentation equipment for the measurement of settling efficiency of SS materials. The addition amounts of alum and PAC were resulted in optimum efficiency of sediments in the condition of 100 ppm of alum and 500 ppm of PAC respectively. In the comparison of sedimentation efficiency between alum and PAC, alum showed more economical and efficient results. The SS of spill water and the particle size of suspended materials treated by alum flocculents were below 50 ppm and about 1 $\mu$m. It would be considered that the spill water can be substituted to superclear water grade.



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