Daylight is a critical factor in architecture, as it helps enhance the working efficiency and pleasantness of the people working inside, in addition to reduce the power consumption in heating and cooling and make the interior space brighter. There are many kinds of glazing and daylighting systems. At present, research and efforts for their development are carried out, alongside quantitative evaluation. This study aims to present basic materials to be used to design proper glazing and daylighting systems in architecture based on a quantitative evaluation by scale models of existing office buildings. The result of the study can be summarized as follows. 1)As a result of the experiment, it appeared that the ratio of the interior illumination (i.e. at the working table, ceiling and wall) against the outdoor illumination increases at a constant rate, as the transmittance of the glazing goes up. 2) It was found that the SIR(Sunlight Illuminance Ratio) of a separated window system goes up by 20-50% at the rear part than in the case of an ordinary window system.