Background : The nationwide tuberculosis registry system in Korea has been operated with the dual reporting system - public health center (PHC) and private medical services (PMS) - since 2000. While three-fifths of the registered cases in 2002 was reported by PMS, it was reported that the success rate of patients at PMS was lower than that at PHC. To identify the problems of the patients' management at the PMS as well as the PHC in a community is the aim of this paper. Methods : The subject was selected from the registered cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis in Jejudo, 2002. The needed items for this study were gathered by the reviewing the medical charts directly. Results : Of the 262 patients included in the subject, 92 cases (35%) were treated initially at PMS. The sputum smear as an essentially diagnostic test was carried out with 69.2% at private clinics compared with 98.2% at PHC. The success rate of the treatment at PMS was 59.8% so that it had a statistically significant difference from that at PHC (80.0%; p<0.01). Conclusion : These results showed that there were several problems in diagnosis and treatment for the patient of pulmonary tuberculosis at PMS. To improve the success rate of the treatment at PMS, the nationwide clinical guideline for control of pulmonary tuberculosis should be systematically disseminated and strongly recommended at PMS by the government.
2002년도 제주도내 폐결핵 발생자로 등록된 262명에 대한 조사를 실시한 결과 보건소의 관리실태와 비교해 볼 때, 의원급의 진단 및 추구검사 시행이 제대로 되지 않고 있는 것을 확인하였다. 이런 상황에서 의원 및 병원의 치료 성공률은 각각 38.5%, 63.3%로, 이를 합친 민간의료기관에서의 치료 성공률은 59.8%로 조사되어 보건소의 치료 성공률 80%에 비하여 낮은 수준을 보였다. 민간의료기관에서 치료 실패의 주 원인은 임의의 치료중단 이라는 점에서, 현재 국가결핵관리사업의 이원화된 체계 하에서 민간의료기관에 대한 시급한 시스템보완이 필요하다.