Eveluation of Comparable Removal Efficiency of Organics and Color for the Dyeing Wastewater by Fenton Oxidation and Ozonation

펜톤산화와 오존산화 조합에 따른 염색폐수의 유기물질 및 색도 처리효율 비교 평가에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2004.09.22
  • Accepted : 2004.12.01
  • Published : 2004.12.15


Dyeing wastewater contains recalcitrant organics which can not be easily treated by conventional biological treatment. Therefore it has to be treated by other advanced oxidation process in order to remove COD and Color more efficiently. Fenton oxidation process is one of the most commonly applied processes in removal of COD and color for the dyeing wastewater. However it increase the treatment cost and the production of sludge by the use of the excessive chemical reagent. Ozonation is not suitable in Single treatment process because it is not effective in organics removal compared with Color removal. The purpose of this research in order to evaluate the comparable removal efficiency of COD and color by the combination of advanced oxidation processes for the dyeing wastewater. The sequential treatment processes of Fenton process and ozonation was more effective to remove organics and color than ozonation and Fenton process. The result of Fenton process for the pretreatment presented as the 81% removal of organics whereas ozonation process for the pretreatent presented as the 22.1% removal of organics. The removal of colour was higher as 81.3% for the ozonation as the pretreatment than 77.7% for the Fenton process as the pretreatment.



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