고농도 휴믹성분이 포함된 강 원수에서 응집-침전 및 오존 공정을 전처리로 적용한 오존 내성막 pilot plant에서의 운전성 및 투과수 수질변화에 관한 연구

Pre-Coagulation and Pre-Ozonation for Ozone Resisting Microfiltration Membrane Filtration System of a High Humic Contained Surface Water

  • 이상협 (한국과학기술연구원 환경공정연구부 수질환경 및 복원연구센터) ;
  • 와타나베 요시마사 (일본 국립북해도대학대학원 공학연구과 도시환경공학전공 환경위생공학강좌) ;
  • 이석헌 (한국과학기술연구원 환경공정연구부 수질환경 및 복원연구센터) ;
  • 안규홍 (한국과학기술연구원 환경공정연구부 수질환경 및 복원연구센터)
  • 투고 : 2004.05.24
  • 심사 : 2004.10.06
  • 발행 : 2004.10.15


In this study, the effects of two pre-treatment processes were observed prior to membrane filtration: pre-coagulation and pre-ozonation. To compare the effect of two above-mentioned pre-treatments, we adopted the four schemes: first one is direct membrane filtration of river surface water, second one is membrane filtration after pre-coagulation, third one is membrane filtration after pre-ozonation and fourth one is membrane filtration after pre-coagulation and pre-ozonation. There are two exceptional characteristics in applied processes. One is the usage of the MF membrane which has high ozone resisting characteristic. Therefore, ozone resides in membrane module during filtration. The other is adoption of Jet Mixed Separator (JMS) as coagulation-sedimentation process. The change in transmembrane pressure and permeate water quality were also examined. As a result, considering the filtration performance efficiency and permeate water quality, the process composed of filtration with combination of both pre-coagulation and pre-ozonation was proved most effective. The improved efficiency was due to the reduction of loading rate of fouling inducing materials to membrane module by coagulation process as well as variable reactions, such as degradation, particle destabilization and coagulation, occurred by residual ozone in membrane module. The additional effect of pre-coagulation before pre-ozonation is suppression of AOC, one of the by-products induced by ozonation. Therefore, combination of pre-coagulation and pre-ozonation is the effective process to overcome the major de-merit of ozonation i.e. by-products formation.



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