페트리 넷을 이용한 제조 셀의 성능평가

Petri Net based Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing Cell

  • 김태운 (경성대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 서윤호 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과) ;
  • 신동목 (울산대학교 수송시스템공학부)
  • Kim, Tai-Oun (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Seo, Yoon-Ho (Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Sheen, Dong-Mok (Dept. of Transportation Systems Engineering, University of Ulsan)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


The Purpose of this paper is to propose performance evaluation schemes of flexible manufacturing cell using a generalized stochastic Petri net. In the competitive and global manufacturing environment, to evaluate the feasibility and manufacturability of a product in the product design stage is highly required. Through this process, all the possible problems which may occur in the manufacturing stage can be fixed in early stage. The scheme of generalized stochastic Petri net utilizing both immediate and exponential distributed transitions are applied to model a manufacturing cell with flexible machines, material handler, transporter and buffers. Performance analyses are performed based on behavioral, structural and quantitative properties. A flexible manufacturing cell is evaluated using a Petri net simulator.
