산업공학 (IE interfaces)
- 제17권spc호
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- Pages.97-102
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- 2004
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- 1225-0996(pISSN)
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- 2234-6465(eISSN)
타부탐색을 이용한 AGVS 일방향 흐름경로 설계
Unidirectional AGVS Flowpath Design using Tabu Search
- Moon, Young-Hoon (Department of Industrial Systems and Information Engineering, Korea University) ;
- Seo, Yoon-Ho (Department of Industrial Systems and Information Engineering, Korea University)
- 발행 : 2004.12.31
AGV flowpath layout design is one of the most important steps for efficient AGV systems design. Since it was formulated by Gaskins & Tanchoco (1987), a unidirectional AGV flowpath layout design problem has been tackled by many researchers. However, the solution methods were traded off between the solution quality and the computational time. In this paper, a tabu search technique is applied to obtain a good solution for a relatively large problem in reasonable computational time. Specifically, fast construction algorithm for feasible initial solutions, long-term memory structure and neighbor solutions generation are adapted to the problem characteristics and embedded in the tabu search algorithm. Also, sets of computational experiments show that the proposed tabu search algorithm outperforms to the Ko and Egbelu's algorithm (2003).