Optimizing Movement of A Multi-Joint Robot Arm with Existence of Obstacles Using Multi-Purpose Genetic Algorithm

  • Published : 2004.06.30


To optimize movement of a multi-joint robot arm is known to be a difficult problem, because it is a kind of redundant system. Although the end-effector is set its position by each angle of the joints, the angle of each joint cannot be uniquely determined by the position of the end-effector. There exist the infinite number of different sets of joint angles which represent the same position of the end-effector. This paper describes how to manage the angle of each joint to move its end-effector preferably on an X-Y plane with obstacles in the end-effector’s reachable area, and how to optimize the movement of a multi-joint robot arm, evading obstacles. The definition of “preferable” movement depends upon a purpose of robot operation. First, we divide viewpoints of preference into two, 1) the standpoint of the end-effector, and 2) the standpoint of joints. Then, we define multiple objective functions, and formulate it into a multi-objective programming problem. Finally, we solve it using multi-purpose genetic algorithm, and obtain reasonable results. The method described here is possible to add appropriate objective function if necessary for the purpose.
