The Study about Architectural Plan and Practical use of Multipurpose Room of School Facilities(Auditorium, Gymnasium)

학교시설의 다목적실(강당, 체육관)에 대한 건축계획

  • 신원식 (충북대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 한규영 (충북대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2004.03.30


Auditorium and gymnasium are utilized in rare cases compared to the large spacial size. From Monday to Saturday, the use of them is extremely rare, which shows the serious example of economical inefficiency of architectural space. To solve these problems, inquiries from the various viewpoints will be necessary. Architecture-philosophically, how can space and time considered sufficiently? How is the structure related to phase. The object of this study is to arrange newly economical efficiency of space and time which are treated slightingly as they mentioned above and the plan about the design of the architectural space and multipurpose room.



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