Turbulent Flow Field on Boundary Layer Flow Conditions in the Near-Wake of a Flat Plate

평판 근접 후류에서 경계층의 유동조건에 따른 난류유동장

  • 김동하 (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 장조원 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Published : 2004.12.31


An experimental study was quantitatively carried out in order to investigate the influence of flow conditions on a boundary layer in the near-wake of a flat plate. Tripping wires attached at various positions were selected to change flow conditions of a boundary layer in the vicinity of trailing edge. The flows such as laminar, transitional, and turbulent boundary layer at 0.98C from the leading edge are imposed to investigate the evolution of symmetric and asymmetric wake. Measurements were made at freestream velocity of 6.0m/s, and the corresponding Reynolds number is $2.8{\times}10^5$. An x-type hot-wire probe(55P61) was employed to measure at 8 stations in the near-wake region. Test results show that the near-wake of the flat plate for the case of a laminar and transitional boundary layer is sensitive to mean flow shear generated after separation but for the case of turbulent boundary layer is insensitive.
