간호사의 내부고발 인식유형에 관한 연구

The Types of Nurses Perception of Whistle-Blowing;Q-Methodology

  • 발행 : 2004.06.30


Purpose: This study was to define structural subjectivity pattern of whistle-blowing of hospital nurses. Method: This study was conducted using Q-methodology in order to classify the types of perception to an whistle-blowing from the inside of the incumbent hospital nurses. Nineteen members, including hospital nurses, professors and students majoring in the nursing department made 47 statements about the insider's accusation after an in-depth interview about the statements. Forty incumbent hospital nurses were the participants for the Q-Methodology. The statement data was analyzed with QUANL PC Program and five different types were classified according to how the nurse had replied to the statements. Result: The first one is a Propeller type. The second one is a Denial type. The third type is a Patient Advocate type. The fourth one is a Anonymous type. The fifth is a Netizen type. Conclusion: this study as a momentum, a reasonable and constitutional legislation in the nurses organization should be established as soon as possible.
