This study compared the biological characteristics, nymphal development, adult longevity, and oviposition of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus Thunberg, in fibrous nylon and glass-tube in the insectary at $28{\pm}2^{\circ}C$ and 16L:8D of photoperiod. Nymphal duration in the fibrous nylon-tube was 1 day longer than in the glass tube; the difference was attributed to the developmental duration of the fifth instar. Percent emergence in the fibrous nylon-tube was $64\%,\;8\%$ higher than in the glass tube ($56\%$). In the fibrous nylon-tube, adult longevities for female and male were 4.1 times and 6.0 times higher than those in the glass tube. Preoviposition period was 1 day longer in the fibrous nylon-tube than that in the glass tube. The total number of eggs laid was 3.5 times more in the fibrous nylon-tube than in the glass tube. The oviposition duration lasted about 30 days for the bean bug in the fibrous nylon-tube and about 8 days for those in the glass. Accordingly, the fibrous nylon-tube was found more conducive than the glass tube for determining the biology of bean bug.
망사시험관 및 유리시험관에서 톱다리개미허리노린재의 약충발육, 성충수명 및 산란수를 비교하였다. 약충기간은 유리시험관(20일)보다 망사시험관(약 21일)에서 약 1일 길었는데, 이러한 차이는 주로 5령충의 발육기간에 기인되었다. 우화율은 유리시험관($56\%$)보다 망사시험관($64\%$)에서 $8\%$높았다. 성충수명은 유리시험관보다 망사시험관에서 암컷이 약 4.1배, 수컷이 약 6배 길었다. 산란전기간은 유리시험관보다 망사시험관에서 약 1일 길었으며, 산란수는 유리시험관보다 망사시험관에서 약 3.5배 많았다. 산란지속기간은 망사 시험관에서 약 30일, 유리시험관에서 약 8일 이었다. 따라서 톱다리개미허리 노린재의 발육특성을 정확하게 구명하기 위해선 공기유통이 원활한 망사시험관을 사용하는 것이 적합할 것으로 판단되었다.