한국 해산 히드라해파리 3미기록종(자포동물문: 히드라충강)

Three New Records of Marine Hydromedusae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in Korea

  • 박정희 (수원대학교 자연과학대학 생명과학과) ;
  • 원정혜 (서대문자연사박물관)
  • Park Jung Hee (Department of Life Science, College of Natural Sciences, The University) ;
  • Won Jung Hye (Seodaemun Musium of Natural History)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


동해, 여수 및 영광에서 2001년 11월과 2002년 12월에 채집된 히드라해파리를 동정$\cdot$분류한 결과 노란무늬지상해파리 (Proboscidactyla flavicirrata) 보야 누스두겹관해파리 (Diphyes bojani) 및 바르그만머그관해파리 (Muggiaea bargmannae)가 한국미기록종으로 밝혀져 재기재하고 보고한다. 본 연구의 결과 지금까지 밝혀진 한국 해산 히드라해파리는 5목 15과 18종이 된다.

Some hydromedusae were collected from the East Sea ($36^{\circ}$30'124'N and $130^{\circ}$06'446'E), Yousu and Youngkwang with horizontal plankton net during from Nov. 2001 to Dec. 2002. They were identified into Proboscidactyla flavicirrata in the order Limnomedusae, and Muggiaea bargmannae and Diphyes bojani in the suborder Calycophorae of the order Siphonophora, respectively. P. flavicirrata is similar with P. stellata in the shape and size, but it is distinguished from later species in that P. stellata has six radial canals, 24 short marginal tentacles and dichotomous branching pattern. The suborder Calycophorae is the first recorded in Korea and posseses only develop a nectosome. In Muggiaea bargmannae, anterior nectophore is simillar with Dimophyes arctica in the shape of nectophore, but it is distinguished from the later in that D. arctica has a undivided mouth plate and deeper hydroecium. In Diphyes bojani, anterior nectophore is simillar with Diphyes dispar in the shape of nectophore, but it is distinguished from the later in which D. dispar has a deeper hydroecium and more prominant dorsal tooth. No posterior nectophores of Muggiaea bargmannae and Diphyes bojani have been observed.



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