Study on Comparison of Korean and Japanese National Park Systems from the Conservation Perspective

보전적 측면에서 바라본 한국과 일본의 국립공원제도 비교

  • Jo Tae-Dong (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Kangnung National Univ.)
  • 조태동 (강릉대학교 환경조경학과)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


Korea's national park system resembles that of Japan in many ways. In this study, National park Systems of the two countries are compared from a standpoint of their historical backgrounds to be formed and in aspect of its conservation by the main revision of national park laws in perspective. In conclusion it was found out that Korea's toleration-based regulations on building park amenities have gradually neglected the park conservation effort, whereas Japan's authorization-oriented regulations have streng thened their emphasis on park conservation. From the comparison as above, the polices to be modified for Korean national park are proposed as follows: 1. National park system, which values diversity of species, is to be proposed. For this, the Article 8 which allows a development of National parks, Enforcement Ordinance Article 4, The Article 18 of Law, Enforcement Regulation Article 6 & 7 of National Park Law should be reviewed for deletion and revision. 2. On the basis of the laws, zoning system should be readjusted by discriminated conservation policy. Also, the readjustment of zoning system should be enforced after thorough analysis and research on the value of natural resources in the national park. 3. Korea should closely review the recently revised Japanese laws on the national parks and nature revitalization promotion for applying them to conservation policy of Korean national parks.



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