Core Release Model Evaluation in the ISAAC Code for PHWR

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The ISAAC fission product release calculation is based on detailed FPRAT models developed by Jaycor. For volatile fission product release calculations, either the Cubicciotti steam oxidation correlation or the NUREG-0772 correlation is used. In this study, evaluation is carried out for these volatile fission product release models. As a result, in the case of early release, the IDCOR model with an in-vessel Te release option shows the most conservative results and for the late release case, the NUREG-0772 model shows the most conservative results. Considering both early and late release, the IDCOR model with an in-vessel Te bound option is evaluated to show mitigated conservative results. In addition, a sensitivity study on detailed core nodalization is performed. In the study, 380 horizontal fuel channels in the Wolsong plant are nodalized into 12 (6 channels per loop, $3{\times}3$ Core Pass) representative channels and detailed by 16/20/24 channels. For reference accidents, LOAH and large LOCA are selected as representing high and low pressure sequences, respectively. According to the results, the original 12 channel approach with $3{\times}3$ core passes is evaluated to be sufficient as an optimal scheme.



  1. KAERI, MAAP-WS : Severe Accident Program for Wolsong Plant, FAI/95-76 (1995)
  2. Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking Program, Analysis of In-Vessel Core Melt Progression, IDCOR Report 15.1B (1983)
  3. USNRC, Technical Bases for Estimating Fission Product Behavior During LWR Accidents, NUREG-0772 (1981)
  4. R.A. Lorenz, E.C. Beahm, and R.P. Wichner, Review of Tellurium Release Rates from LWR Fuel Elements and Aerosol Formation from Silver Control Rod Materials, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1984)
  5. KEPCO, Final Safety Analysis Report for Wolsong 2,3,4 (1995)
  6. KEPRI, Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for PHWR, TR93NJ10.97.67-2 (1997)
  7. KAERI, Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Wolsong 1, Interim Report (2002)