Journal of Haehwa Medicine (혜화의학회지)
- Volume 13 Issue 1
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- Pages.243-254
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- 2004
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
A Study of Literature Review on the Etiology & Pathologic Mechanism and on the Acupuncture & Moxibustion Treatment for GU-CHANG
구창(口瘡)의 병인병기(病因病機)와 침구치료(鍼灸治療)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)
- Jung, Ju Youl (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
- Lee, Hyun (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- Received : 2004.04.30
- Published : 2004.06.30
Objectives & Methods : This study was to study etiology and pathologic mechanism and to study acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for GU-CHANG. I've got compared and analyzed 42 kinds of book since Nei Jing(內經). Results and Conclusion : 1. The etiologies are heat of heart and spleen, insufficiency of middle -warm energy, deficiency of yin lead to hyperactivity of fire. 2. The meridians of acupuncture points which were used much for GU-CHANG were Conception Vessel Meridian, Stomach Meridian and Bladder Meridian. 3. The frequency of using acupunture points in this treatment were Hapkok(LI4)-17th, Sungjang(CV24)-14th, Nogung(P8)-12th, Kumjin Okaeg(NH70)-11th.