Journal of Haehwa Medicine (혜화의학회지)
- Volume 13 Issue 1
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- Pages.147-158
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- 2004
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
Study of the oriental medical literature for postpartum edema
산후부종(産後浮腫)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)
- Byun, Hyung Kuk (Dept. of Oriental Gynecologic Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
- Yoo, Dong Youl (Dept. of Oriental Gynecologic Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- Received : 2004.04.30
- Published : 2004.06.30
In the wide view as human, males and females can be same. But in pathological view, they have big differences. Compared to that males mostly follow the pathological process according to the paticular abnormal organs. Females could show pathological state totally apart from the abnormal organs when connected to delivery. For example, Postpartum abnormal pain, fever, edema, etc show totally different aspects when regardless of delivery. Here, We'll analyze postpartum edema that generally apppears after delivery from historical books, and find out previous conception of that in the oriental medicine, and summary them to be helpful to the cause, differentiation, and treatment. Result 1. A cause of postpartum edema is a bad blood that originate in poor postpartum care weakness of spleen and stomach and trouble of body flood metabolism. 2. General symptom of postpartum edema is edema of face, eye, arm, leg but postpartum edemas not edema of face, eye, arm, leg but asthma, red lighted skin and difficulty of urine. 3. edema is classified by Gi-Jong, Su-Jong and Hyul-Jong.