유방질환(乳房疾患)의 치방(治方)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

A literatual study on Prescription about the breast disease

  • 김의일 (대전대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실) ;
  • 유동열 (대전대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실)
  • Kim, Eui il (Dept. of Oriental Gynecologic Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Yoo, Dong youl (Dept. of Oriental Gynecologic Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2004.04.30
  • 발행 : 2004.06.30


From the study of Prescription on mammary diseases, the following conclusions are obtained. 1. The Lurosan (漏蘆散), Jechetang (猪蹄湯), Tongyutang (湧泉散) are often used for galactostasis in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Chungyelyak(淸熱解毒藥), Lisuyak (利尿通淋藥), Hwalyelyak(活血祛瘀藥), etc. and the frequency of used medicines is Luro(漏蘆),Tongcho(通草),Jejo(제조), Chensangab(穿山甲),etc.. 2. The Makyajeon(麥芽煎), Sipjeondaebotang(十全大補湯) are often used for galactorrhea in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Bogiyak(補氣藥), Bohelyak(補血藥), Sosikyak (消食藥), etc., and the frequency of used medicines is Insam (人蔘), Dangggwi(當歸), Makya(麥芽),etc.. 3. The Jogaksan(조角散), Gwarusan(瓜蔞散) are often used for mammary abscess in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Hwalyelyak(活血祛瘀藥), Chunghwaye1damyak(淸化熱痰藥), Ligiyak(理氣藥), etc., and the frequency of used medicines is Jogakja(조角刺), Sahyang(麝香), Chongpee(靑皮),etc.. 4. The Yengyotang(連翹湯), Makyatang(麥芽湯), Lyengpayujagenbang(令敗乳自退方)are often used for distending pain of the breast due to galactostasis in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Chungyelhaedokyak(淸熱解毒藥), Chunghwayeldamyak(淸化熱痰藥)etc., and the frequency of used medicines is Yengyo(連翹), Gwaru (瓜樓),etc.. 5. The Gwarusan (瓜蔞散), Danchungpitang(單靑皮湯), Yengyotang(連翹湯), Gamisoyosan(加味逍 遙散)are often used for mammay abscess in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Chunghwayeldamyak(淸化熱痰藥), Hwalyelgeoyak(活血祛瘀藥), Chungyelyak(淸熱解毒藥),etc., and the frequency of used medicines is Jogakja(조角刺), Yengyo(連翹), Chongpee(靑皮),etc.. 6. The Sipyukmi1yugium(十六味流氣飮), Chungpitang(靑皮湯)are often used for breast carcinoma in Prescription. The classification of prescription by efficacy is Hwalyelyak(活血祛瘀藥), Ligiyak(理氣藥)etc., and the frequency of used medicines is Doyin(桃仁), Jogakja, Chongpee(靑皮), Jagak(枳殼),etc.
