혜화의학회지 (Journal of Haehwa Medicine)
- 제12권2호
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- Pages.85-103
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- 2004
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
티벳의학에 대한 연구- 『사부의전(四部醫典)·논설의전(論說醫典)』 및 『사부의전(四部醫典)·비결의전(秘訣醫典)』을 중심으로-
Study on the Tibetan Medicine based on the contents of and
- 발행 : 2004.02.25
From the studies on a few specific chapters of Tibetan Medical Painting, following conclusions were obtained. 1. The doctors of Tibet had to be not only academically and morally perfect, but he must show and have respect for his religion and his religous leaders and Gods. 2 The most main causes for all the disease that Tibetan Medicine resumed were hatred, delusion and ignorance of human mind which can make the physiological bile, wind, and phlegm to turn into pathological ones. 3. There is the classification of primary cause, which would be the human mind mentioned above, and the secondary cause which include dietary, behavior, seasonal problems, etc. 4. The Tibetans thought the digestive power is very important in the improvement or degravation of the disease. 5. More chapters were held for explaining the disease of fever, its clssification, stages, and cures which can indirectly show that the Tibetans might have thought it was very serious and could be very harmful. 6. The treatments for all the kinds of disease not only include medication and external therapy but also dietary and behavior regulations.