연구 과제 주관 기관 : 대전대학교
This study analyzed the contents of the research papers concerning the vascular dementia(VD) recorded in Chinese medical journal published over the period between 1998 and 2000. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn. The Chinese medical category of VD includes Sun-Mang(善忘), Chi-Mae, Jung-Pung-Chi-Mae and so on, and the Major mechanism of the VD is Bon-Heo- Pyo-Sil(state of deficient vital essence and excessive pestilential vapor;本虛標實), Bon(本) includes Sin-Jeong-Heo-Son(腎精虧損), Ki-Hyeol-Hyu-Heo(氣血虧虛) and Pyo(標) includes Dam-Chae-Eo-Jo(痰滯瘀阻), Ki-Chae-Hyeol-Eo(氣滯血瘀), Gan-Yang-Sang-Hang(肝陽上亢). It is mainly used DSM and evidence of brain-vascular disease in brain CT or MRI as the criterion for diagnosis in Western medicine and MMSE, HDS, ADL is used as assistant diagnostic indicator. "Principle of clinical study guidance for treatment of dementia by Chinese medicine, Western medicine"("中藥新藥治療痴呆 病的臨床硏究指導原則") is mainly used as the criterion for diagnosis in Chinese medicine. It is mainly used "Principle of clinical study guidance for treatment of senile disease by Chinese medicine, Western medicine"("中藥新藥治療老年病臨床硏究指導原則"), "Principle of clinical study guidance for treatment of dementia by Chinese medicine, Western medicine" as the criterion for treatment effect evaluation, and score change of MMSE and HDS is used as assistant evaluation indicator. The research papers reported that the use of prescriptions such as Hwan-Chong-Dan(還聰丹), Noi-Hyeol-So-Tong-Gu-Bok-Yaek(腦血疏通口服液), Yik-Gi-Gyo-Nang(益智膠囊), Cheon-Ma-Chok-Gi-Chung-Je(天麻促智沖劑), Sam-Gap-San-Ga-Mi-Bang(三甲散加味方), Seon-Ryong-Gyo-Nang(仙龍膠囊), Seong-Noi-Tang II(醒腦湯II號), Bo-Sin-Geon-Noi-Tang(補腎健腦湯), Ga-Mi-Tong-Gyu-Hyal-Hyeol-Tang(加味通竅活血湯), So-Jo-Yik-Ji-Bang(疏調益智方), Tong-Gyu-Hwal-Hyeol-Tang-Ga-Gam(通竅活血湯加減), Yik-Sin-Seong-Noi-Tang(益腎醒腦湯) led to the high efficacy.
연구 과제 주관 기관 : 대전대학교