Novel Frame Interpolation Method for High Image Quality LCDs

  • Itoh, Goh (Multimedia Laboratories, Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corp.) ;
  • Mishima, Nao (Multimedia Laboratories, Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corp.)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.30


We developed a novel frame interpolation method to interpolate a frame between two successive original frames. Using this method, we are able to apply a double-rate driving method instead of an impulse driving method where a black frame is inserted between two successive original frames. The double-rate driving method enables amelioration of the motion blur of LCDs caused by the characteristics of human vision without reducing the luminosity of the whole screen. The image quality of the double-rate driving method was also found to be better than that of an impulse driving method using our motion picture simulator and an actual panel. Our initial model of our frame interpolation method consists of motion estimation with a maximum matching pixel count estimation function, an area segmentation technique, and motion compensation with variable segmentation threshold. Although salt and pepper noise remained in a portion of an object mainly due to inaccuracy of motion estimation, we verified the validity of our method and the possibility of improvement in hold-type motion blurring.



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