Poly-Si TFT Technology

  • Noguchi, Takashi (Sungkyunkwan University(previous affiliation: IEF (CNRS), Univ. Paris-sud, France)) ;
  • Kim, D.Y. (SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)) ;
  • Kwon, J.Y. (SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)) ;
  • Park, Y.S. (SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology))
  • 발행 : 2004.02.26


Poly-Si TFT(Thin Film Transistor) technology are reviewed and discussed. Poly-Si TFTs fabricated on glass using low-temperature process were studied extensively for the application to LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) as well as to OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diode) Display. Currently, one of the application targets of the poly-Si TFT is emphasized on the highly functional SOG(System on Glass). Improvement of device characteristics such as an enhancement of carrier mobility has been studied intensively by enlarging the grain size. Reduction of the voltage and shrinkage of the device size are the trend of AM FPD(Active Matrix Flat Panel Display) as well as of Si LSI, which will arise a peculiar issue of uniformity for the device performance. Some approaches such as nucleation control of the grain seed or lateral grain growth have been tried, so far.



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