20~30대 성인여성의 신체계측치와 체지방의 상관성

Body Fat Correlation on Physical Measurement of Women in Age Group Between 20s and 30s

  • 전정혜 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션산업학전공) ;
  • 성수광 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션산업학전공)
  • Jeon, Jung-Hye (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Catholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Sung, Su-Kwang (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 투고 : 2004.04.16
  • 발행 : 2004.10.31


The research is focused on relationship between body fat percentage and physical characteristics of women in age group between 20s and 30s who experience great deal of physical change such as marriage, pregnancy, delivery, breast-feeding, and etc. The research used physical measurement of two hundreds women: 50 women in their early twenties, 50 women in their late twenties, 50 women in their early thirties, and 50 women in their late thirties. The research provides base data for women clothing industry by observing relationship between physical figure and body fat percentage rate based on obesity study on body fat percentage, physical BMI, R$\ddot{o}$hrer Index, and Vervaeck Index. Followings are conclusion of the research. The older the ages, the shorter the height and the heavier the weight. Recognizable differences in circumference, thickness, and width rather than in length are found. Also recognizable increases in average body fat percentage and average physical characteristics by age have found. By observing body fat percentage and physical measurements, it was revealed that weight has more effect on body fat percentage than height in all ages. Circumference, width, and thickness have more impact than length measurements among physical measurements. Main body or upper body has more impact than legs and arms or lower body. Body fat percentage increase rapidly by ages. 2.0% of age 20~24, 20.0% of age 25~29, 28.0% of age 30~34, and 54.0% of age 35~39 were sorted as obesity.



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