패션관련 전시회 참가기업의 참가행태 분석

An Analysis of Participating Style of Participating Company in Fashion Related Exhibition

  • 배종길 (경일대학교 패션디자인산업학과) ;
  • 김정원 (경일대학교 패션디자인산업학과)
  • Bae, Jong-Kil (Dept. of Fashion Design & Fashion Industry, Kyungil University) ;
  • Kim, Jung-Won (Dept. of Fashion Design & Fashion Industry, Kyungil University)
  • 투고 : 2003.06.10
  • 발행 : 2004.02.29


Various types of industry, from manufacturing industry to service industry, can be a subject of exhibition. So, subdivided studies about exhibition for each type of industry or field are necessary. However, there are still insufficient studies about them. Also, fashion industry related exhibitions should be classified differently from other industries' exhibitions because of their special features. Therefore, this study examines that how an exhibition is utilized as a promotion means of a company and the present condition of a fashion exhibition. It also compares a fashion exhibition with other industrial exhibitions to suggest the effective operations and the progressive promotion of the fashion exhibition. This study uses questionnaire from 140 companies for 5 exhibitions, which participated fashion related exhibitions. Data of this study is statistically analyzed using SPSS for window ver. 10.0 program. It also uses frequency, cross tabs, paired t-test, Independent Samples t-test. As a result of this study, fashion related companies' recognition of exhibitions has been increased. However; in terms of exhibition participation, attitudes such as pre-promotion or pre-education for the staff, who are in charge of the exhibition booths, and the outcome of the exhibition aren't maximized because the right understanding concerning exhibitions is lacking and long-term preparation is insufficient. Also, advertisement for the exhibitions isn't enough because of insufficient preparation and absence of pre-promotion, so consultation with promising buyers can't be activated. Even though there are consultations, the consultations don't have much effect.



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