아공정 Al-Si합금 조직에 미치는 Sc의 효과

The Effects of Sc on the Microstructure of Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys

  • 김명한 (충북대학교 재료공학과) ;
  • 이종태 (충북대학교 재료공학과)
  • Kim, Myung-Han (Department of Materials Engineering, Cheongbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Tae (Department of Materials Engineering, Cheongbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.20


The eutectic Si in Al-8.5wt.%Si alloy was changed from large flake to fine lemellar(or fibrous) shape when the Sc amount in the Al-Si alloy reaches 0.2wt.%. The optimum amount of Sc for the best modification effect was 0.8wt.% and slight decrease of modification effect occurred over this value. The study on the distribution of the modifiers(Sr, Na, and Sc) and the measurement of the surface tension of the Al-8.5wt.%Si alloy melt added with Sr, Na, and Sc modifier, respectively, reveals that Sc modifies the eutectic Si by the decrease of surface tension, while Sr and Na modify the eutectic Si mainly by impurity induced twinning mechanism.



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